Business Owners to Save $126 Per Covered Employee

Employers will save $126.00 per covered employee, per year, as a result of the decision by the State of Indiana to repay a federal loan well ahead of schedule.  The loan was for the State's unemployment insurance fund and was needed as unemployment levels skyrocketed during the recession of 2008-2011.
The decision on the part of the State was led by Rep. Dan Leonard, Republican of Huntington, with the support of Huntington County Economic Development Corporation.  Governor Mike Pence agreed with the exciting impact the decision will have and enthusiastically approved Rep. Leonard's effort.
"I cannot imagine a faster way to put nearly $2.2 million back in the hands of local employers," said Mark Wickersham, executive director of Huntington County Economic Development Corporation, also noting that the State's decision will save Indiana Businesses state-wide, $327 million in 2016 alone.